SUPERGEL 28 is an industrial and logistical operation organised around its three domains ofstrategic activities. In order to better respond to the demand, the site is equipped with 3 mainefficient and complementary pieces of operating equipment:
Refrigerated warehouse
Located in Nogent-sur-Eure, this warehouse covers 55,000 m3 and can store around 16,000palettes at minus temperatures. In order to optimise the space and offer significant storagevolume on one site, the warehouse was designed with mobile racks on 6 different levels.
With 2 xxx docks, the fluidity of the goods is guaranteed and it is possible to load around 30containers per week without any impact on the normal storage activities.
We also have a dry warehouse which has 1,500M² of space for storage or cross-docking.
Packaging line and processing plant
Installed in an area of 700m², the industrial side of SUPERGEL 28’s operations now has twopackaging lines for meat and fish with a capacity of 100T/day/line, a cutting and curing studio anda smoking room. In the interests of performance, hygiene and productivity, the two packaging linesare directly next to the cold storage room with a capacity of 15,000m3.
The 2 packaging lines are also equipped with a weigher, automatic bagging machine and a weldingmachine for vacuum packing.
The adjacent workshop is equipped with a smoking room (beech wood), 2 saws and an automaticslicing machine.
In the summer of 2011, SUPERGEL 28 invested in a deep freezing tunnel which has a capacity of 150tonnes per day and is constructed around three compressors. In the interests of safety, the formerplant with its 2 compressors has been kept.
This cold production capacity was installed both in anticipation of the increased demand for refrigerated storage, and also with the aim of absorbing the growth in the company’s meatpackaging operations.
Located 1 hour from Paris, 45 minutes from Orly airport and 1h30 from Charles de Gaulle airport, SUPERGEL 28 is at the heart of the major road system.
Our plants occupy a strategic place along the traffic routes for French and European foodstuffs.
Ideally located on the Brittany-Paris route (10 minutes from the A11), SUPERGEL 28 is also only 2hours from the port of Le Havre.
We are therefore able to benefit from being close to the logistical centres and required infrastructures for the transportation of goods at a national level, without having any of theinconveniences (congestion and fares).